(1) Create a batch file with .bat extension.
Open a notepad and save it as .bat instead of .txt
Now this file becomes executable. I gave EXEC.bat as filename.
Write the following text inside the bat file.
Open a notepad and save it as .bat instead of .txt
Now this file becomes executable. I gave EXEC.bat as filename.
Write the following text inside the bat file.
SQLCMD -S yourservername -d database_name -U username -P password -i "C:\Documents and Settings\sudiptasanyal\Desktop\TEST\some.sql" -o "C:\Documents and Settings\sudiptasanyal\Desktop\TEST\output.txt"
SQLCMD - It is another means to execute queries and do lot more that we perform in SQL Server
-S is used to provide the server name that i'm pointing to[Here i'm pointing to my local system only].
-d is the database.
-d is the database.
-U is user to provide the server username.
-P is used to provide the server password.
-i is used to provide input file location/path to SQLCMD from which it executes. Here i'm taking on .sql file which contains multiple queries.
-o is used to provide output file location/path to SQLCMD where the messages from SQL Server
(2) Now open notepad and save it with .sql extension. Write whatever queries that you want to execute here in this file which needs to be executed.
in my case i have written like this(remove these lines)
USE yourdatabasename
SELECT member_id,last_name,first_name FROM tbl_member